Pawsitive Paws dog training is dedicated to helping educate dog owners on how to effectively communicate, train, and bond with their dog through gentle, fun and effective methods, based on scientific principles, using positive reinforcement training techniques.
We are passionate about dog training and hope to inspire others to use positive, fun and rewarding techniques to train their canine friends. We provide services in the San Diego East County area which include Puppy Socialization classes, Basic Training classes, Intermediate/CGC classes, Scent classes as well as custom and private Zoom sessions. Whatever your dog training needs are, we are here to help you! We look forward to working with you and your dog!
Upcoming Classes/Events
Puppy Socialization Class:
* Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in La Mesa
Basic Training Class
*Starts Sunday, April 6th at 9:15 a.m. in La Mesa
*Starts Saturday, April 26th at 9:15 a.m. in La Mesa
Get a Handle on Jumping Class
*Saturday, April 5th at 9:15 a.m. in La Mesa
For all our other upcoming classes, please see our calendar.